Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day Marty. I know Father’s Day we aren’t celebrating Father’s Day until next weekend but I really wanted to take a moment to thank you.


Thank you for all the sacrifices you make and for all the things you do for us.
Thank you for your broad shoulders that have carried our boys when they are too tired to walk any further.
Thank you for your strong arms that wrap around them and offer them love, warmth and shelter when the world is just too much for them to cope with.
Thank you for always telling our boys you love them.
Thank you for magically kissing their pain away when they fall down hurt or when they bump their heads.
Thank you for every meal you cook, story you tell, drink you make.
Thank you for always getting us home safe when we travel. 

In all honestly there are way too many awesome qualities you have and things you do for us. If I was to continue to list them this post would go on forever. 
We are so very lucky to have you and love you so much.

I also want to say a quick Happy Father’s Day to my Dad. Thank you for the life you gave me and the sacrifices you make. Thank you for loving me and supporting me through everything, no matter what. For putting up with my disrespect, anger, frustration that I no doubt sent your way as I grew up. Thank you for looking after me when I was sick. Thank you for always being a Dad that I could count on.
I love you.

Happy First Father’s Day to my brother.
Olly is very lucky to have you and I am sure you will always be an awesome Dad. It is so nice to see the love on your face when you look at your little man. 

To all the Fathers out there.